How Business Owners are Starting Their Online Business With an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE

As you all know by now (unless you haven't read my story), my journey becoming an online Digital Marketer had a somewhat rocky start.

Rocky is a matter of perspective, but one thing is for sure.

I got a rude awakening about the real difficulties you can face when starting an online business.

I'm not as smart as you think and starting an Online Business is not as easy as you think.

But, another thing I know for sure, is that I am not a quitter.

I do not quit on myself and I do not quit on others.

If you already have or can adapt that attitude then SUCCESS with an Online Business is guaranteed.

When taking your journey, an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE is getting information to put you ahead of others and learning from those who are already where you want to be.

This can help you to miss pitfalls and delays that a normal person would experience.

That UNFAIR ADVANTAGE for Online Business Owners is The One Funnel Away Challenge.

Thousands of Online Business Owners have already taken the challenge and are reaping the benefits.

What is The One Funnel Away Challenge again?


Click the image to sign up for the One Funnel Away Challenge
Click the image to Sign Up

Have you wanted to Start or grow your Online Business, but... ➡️ Lost, confused, don't know how to go about it? ➡️ Hopping from company to company, program to program, looking to somehow make all of this work? ➡️ Watched endless YouTube videos, following a lot of people to see how they are doing it, but nothing is working? ➡️ Tired of spinning your wheels and not getting any results? ➡️ Don't have a plan and don't really know how to create a plan The One Funnel Away Challenge is your 30 Day Step by Step Training to ... ⭐️ Having a Daily Action Plan ⭐️ Mentorship and Guidance ⭐️ Learning how to consistently provide value and build a following ⭐️ Mastering the Sales and Marketing process ⭐️ Learning from experts in the field who are already where you WANT to be A breakthrough does not come when you are sitting and dreaming about success, a breakthrough comes when you get out of your comfort zone, create a plan, put that plan into action, and stay consistent. When there is a proven plan that you follow and you follow it exactly and stay consistent with your daily plan, you are bound to get amazing results. Unfortunately, many Guru's online, are just out to take your money. You can end that right now. There are plenty of people having success online with no Sales or Marketing experience.

Don't take my word for it, .these are just a few of the comments, but there are thousands more like this.

Why should you be any different? You deserve success with your business online. There are 2 Classes per month and there's still time to get in on the next class.. Don't get left behind.

I would love for you to join me using my affiliate link, and if you do, I have put together a special collection of bonus items that are yours when you sign up using my affiliate link.

Those bonuses are:


Click the image to watch a demo video for the Solopreneur's Starter Kit
Click the demo to watch the demo video

This kit could be called a Business in a Box. It's 46 pages with written step by step instructions, videos, and links to resources to help you start and grow an online business. There are 4 SPECIFIC videos in this kit that you will DEFINITELY thank me for. These videos answer THE most asked questions by NEWBIES about domains, email autoresponder integrations, and payment integration. You won’t have to worry about that, you’ll have the information right at your fingertips. The Solopreneur's Starter kit is designed to get you started, started right, and started on the fast track.



Click the image to watch a demo video of the 50 Done For You Share Funnels
Click the image to watch the demo video

Share Funnels allow Clickfunnels® users to share the design of their Sales Funnels with other Clickfunnels® users.

Grab the link and download into your account immediately. No account? You'll be prompted to start a 14 day free trial. Share Funnels are great for saving time and jump starting the design process using other proven designs. This collection of Share Funnels has been used by multiple Clickfunnels® 2 Comma Club award winners to generate over $30 million in revenue collectively.


Click the image to view the demo video for 800+ Killer Headlines and Titles
Click the image to watch the demo video

Headlines and titles are very important. Every piece of content,and every Sales Funnel has a headline and title.

The right headline has the power to reach out from the screen and grab our attention. How do you come up with just the right headline? This massive collection of Killer headlines and titles has you covered. ⭐️ Multiple niches ⭐️ Multiple subject titles ⭐️ Interchangeable ⭐️ Can be adapted for your situation, style, and audience You will never run out of ideas for headlines or titles again.


Click the image to watch a demo video of The Email Marketing Master Class
Click the image to watch the demo video

Email communication is very important to every Sales Funnel. It can account for a huge percentage of sales conversions. Cleverly written and designed emails will attract attention in busy inboxes. This Master Class is designed to help you get your messages open and read Includes: ⭐️ 5 mistakes and 5 brilliant examples of Email marketing ⭐️ Email Marketing best practices + 19 more examples of brilliant emails ⭐️ Access to The Machine - Ryan Deiss’s 6 module training covering core strategies of every email campaign

All of these SUPER BONUSES were specially designed to get you started, get you started right, and get you started on the fast track.

You get the Challenge and All of the SUPER BONUSES for $100 which is less than the cost of Dinner for 2 at a nice restaurant.

The One Funnel Away Challenge
Click the image to sign up for the One Funnel Away Challenge
Click the image to sign up

Russell Brunson and two of his Two Comma Club (this means they've made over a million dollars in a sales funnel) coaches help you build and launch your first (or next) funnel in just 30 Days! 

You’ll get step-by-step coaching and accountability from Day 1 through Day 30 to make sure you stay on track and get the training you need.

Live coaching sessions, audio, video, physical book, access to a support group with thousands of other like minded business owners, and much more..

This course is designed to get you results.

Results at the end of each day’s training and results at the end of the 30 days.

I took this course myself and can say that it is the single most important training that I've taken to point me in the right direction. It also gave me all the tools and resources necessary to start and continue to grow my online business.
If it wasn't for this training, I have no doubt that I would still be on Google searching, trying to find, "The Best Way to Start an Online Business" Instead of constantly SEARCHING and WATCHING videos and reading blogs, I've BUILT a successful online business.
Don't have $100?

You can take the 4 Day FREE Affiliate BootCamp that will teach you everything you need to know about starting online with Affiliate Marketing (Making commissions by Promoting and selling other people's and companies products).

The top-earning Clickfunnels® affiliates were asked:

“If you HAD to feed your family with nothing but your Affiliate Commissions and you only had 100 Days to turn this hobby Into Your FULL TIME CAREER, what would you do each day for the next 100 days until you were full time?” 

They each laid out their entire game plan in step by step detail, and they share EXACTLY how they’d go from hobby to Full Time commissions over a 100 day period

You can read about Rachel Pedersen AKA "The Queen of Social Media" , she's a Clickfunnels® Super Affiliate.

In the Boot Camp she explains how she uses Social Media to build relationships and craft "Irresistible Offers" that have people begging "YES!, Please take all my money!"

Click the image to sign up for the Affiliate Bootcamp
Click the image to watch and read Rachel Pedersen's 100 Day plan

You can watch and read her 100 day step-by-step plan as well as 15 other Clickfunnels® "Super Affiliates" plans in the 4 Day FREE training and the FREE 186 page Ebook that accompanies the training.

There are also 2 other FREE trainings available: The 30 Day Summit and the Brick and Mortar Summit. You can find out about those at the sign up for the FREE Training.

Just pick any of the plans and follow them step by step from where you are today, all the way to the stage where you’ll receive your Clickfunnels® recognition.

I still believe in and highly recommend The One Funnel Away Challenge, but if $100 is too much for you at this time, then these other 3 FREE trainings are a great opportunity to:

➡️ Learn a lot about online Sales and Marketing, ➡️ Get your foot in the door ➡️ Get your momentum moving forward ➡️ At the lowest cost possible

💻 Find more tools for your online business @thementalmarketer: ➡️ HERE Get a 14 day FREE trial to the BEST Sales Funnel builder on the planet earth 🌎: ➡️ HERE
Best books to read to help you get started online: These books are free (You just pay shipping costs). Read these books in order.

Affiliate Disclosure: We may receive a small commission for any purchases made using the links above and below
Dotcom Secrets
Get your copy of the book Dotcom Secrets
Click the image to get a FREE copy of the book Dotcom Secrets

Expert Secrets
Get your copy of the book Expert Secrets
Click the image to get a FREE copy of the book Expert Secrets

Traffic Secrets
Get  your copy of the Traffic Secrets Book
Click the image to get a FREE copy of the book Traffic Secrets

Network Marketing Secrets:➡️ HERE
Copywriting Secrets:➡️ HERE FREE Marketing Reports:

FREE report shows how to optimize YouTube videos for maximum views:➡️ HERE

Digital Productivity Playbook:➡️ HERE Get 45+ FREE Email Marketing Templates:➡️ HERE

Click the image to take a quiz and get a downloaded copy of the 10 point checklist
Take the Quiz, Download a copy of the Checklist + Free training
Affiliate disclosure:
This blog, videos, images, and descriptions may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. If you like the service I've provided, this is like a 'tip' and is greatly appreciated.

I am an independent ClickFunnels® Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels®. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels® or its parent company, Etison® LLC.


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