The Top 5 Worst Email Mistakes Business Owners Make With Sales Funnels

You want to write great emails…

You want your emails to be opened and people to respond...

You want your subscribers to click around and hopefully make a purchase…

Other people seem to have great open rates...

What about you?

If you think you’ve got nothing to learn about emails, then this video is not for you..

But, if you feel you could take it up a notch…

Then watch this video as I break down the top 5 mistakes to avoid when composing emails. 

Avoid these mistakes so your emails won’t go straight to the (HUSH YOUR MOUTH 😱 )

Make sure to watch until the very end to see the 1 email that had most of the top 5 mistakes in just 1 email...

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Let’s get right to it

➡️ Number 1 mistake to avoid: Crowded text that is illegible…

Click the image to watch the video with the 5 Worst Email Mistakes Business Owners Make With Sales Funnels
Click the image to watch the video

In this example

There’s too much text in the subject line to understand the message...

There’s also too much text in the body of the email...

A lot of this text could have been condensed or just plain deleted...

With just a little time to read, this email is too “BUSY” to clearly and easily understand.

It’s as if they didn’t want to miss anything..

It could be improved if just the major points were outlined..

This email would go straight to the (HUSH YOUR MOUTH 😱 )

➡️ Number 2 mistake to avoid: Don’t be booring…

Click the image to watch the video with the Top 5 Worst email mistakes business owners make with Sales Funnels
Click the image to watch the video

People are very busy, attention spans are short, and email alerts from their phone can come all day. 

(phone buzz, buzz, buzz) 📱

If you want to stand out and get attention today, your emails need to be exciting.

This email is not and this email would go straight to the (HUSH YOUR MOUTH 😱 )

➡️ Number 3 mistake to avoid: Copying and Pasting…

Click the image to watch the video The Top 5 Worst Email mistakes business owners make with sales funnels
Click the image to watch the video

If you are doing this, please stop…

Or at the very least … please read the email before you send it out to anyone …


Let’s read some lines in this particular “swipe file” 

"Trust that this world is abundant and all you have to do is tap into it .."

"Share with as many people as you can and your income will take care of itself. Seriously."

Emails are a part of your Sales Funnel and Sales Funnels are about communication.

For best results you should communicate to your subscribers in the language they are familiar with..

When your communication is not in sync with their communication it can turn them off completely.

Maybe never to return again…

I’m not sure what target market this was written for, but for me… 

This email would go straight to the (HUSH YOUR MOUTH 😱 )

➡️ Number 4 mistake to avoid: Inconsistent communication…

Click the image to watch the video The Top 5 worst email mistakes business owners make with sales funnels
Click the image to watch the video

When someone signs up to receive email communication about electronics, they are not expecting to see furniture ads in the email.

In this example, this email transitions from selling electronics, to selling furniture, to selling air purifiers.

This seems to be an attempt to throw darts at the wall and just hope something sticks.

Email messaging should be consistent and promote complimentary items.

This email would go straight to the (HUSH YOUR MOUTH 😱 )

➡️ Number 5 mistake to avoid: Unsolicited email...

Click this image to watch the video with the top 5 worst email mistakes business owners make with sales funnels
Click the image to watch the video

Unsolicited email was the major mistake, but just one of many of the mistakes made with this email.

There were arguably some of the absolute worst things you can do if you DON’T want your emails opened…


I can’t say that I didn’t see this mistake coming...

This is an email that I received from a company that sends 3 to 4 messages a day.

That’s Mistake #1:

Phone are often set to alert when emails arrive. When multiple alerts continue to buzz for the same company. It can become annoying to see yet another email from the same company.

You want your subscribers to look forward to seeing your brand POP up in their email.

You DO NOT want your emails associated with annoying thoughts..

Mistake #2: Unsolicited email

This is the BIGGEST mistake of them all.. In this case, we signed up to an email list to receive travel related content. This email has nothing to do with travel. It's not a good practice to assume all of your subscribers are interested in all the products/services you may promote.

We here at The Mental Marketer pay attention to the emails in our inbox. You should assume that your subscribers do as well.


Failure to do so could damage the relationship and make them much less likely to purchase your product and/or service.

Mistake #3: Straight to the offer … no introduction of the offer or explanation of offer…

Take the time to explain the offer in your email...

But, wait .. there’s more 

Mistake #4: Duplicate ads and a totally unrelated ad for solar panels…

It's always a good idea to check your email before sending..

*Pro tip: If you send an email without checking and there is a mistake, it is the perfect opportunity to point it out in the next email...

Say something like: "It was brought to my attention that yesterdays email may have been a little buggy.. we apologize.. but, just in case you missed... "

This works like a charm for us 😉... It admits that we are not perfect, and it encourages the subscriber to go back and look at the previous email.

I would not be surprised if this company has serious concerns about their email open and conversion rates..

This email would go straight to the (HUSH YOUR MOUTH 😱 )

Emails are just one way to communicate in the Sales Funnel process… 

And the Sales Funnels process is all about communication…

When there is a problem in your Sales funnel... check the communication...

My recommendation is to always remember that there’s a real human on the other side of your PC that will actually READ your email and do your best to have a REAL conversation with them…


I’ve taken great care to craft emails that generate engagement, open rates, and conversions…

Click the image to watch the video the top 5 worst email mistakes business owners make with sales funnels
Click the image to watch the video

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Until next time…


Talk to you soon …


the Mental Marketer

"Stop identifying as whatever you think you are and redefine yourself as a marketer who does what you do"

You can watch the video on YouTube:➡️ HERE

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