3 Business Books You Need to Read Right Now Before You Start Your Online Business

When it comes to Business Books. The question is always asked.
"What Good Business Book should I read if I want to Start an Online Business?"
Depending on who you speak to, you'll hear a lot of different answers. And the truth is,
that's because there are a lot of good books out there.
I am an avid reader. I consume books in months, weeks, and sometimes within days,
mostly on the subjects of Business, Leadership, Sales and Marketing.
Those tend to be my go-to books. The authors and my influences are wide ranging.
Influential business books that I have read
Watch this video to see my list of some of the most influential Business Books
If you want a list of the top 10, top 30, etc... This is not that kind of list.
This list is
3 Books that you MUST read right now before you start your online business.
But, you'll probably say. Whatever !! Bull crap !! The best book to get is dot dot X.
So and so teaches the blankity blank for blank, and it's the greatest blank you'll
ever blank. Why are these books you're recommending a MUST read?
Good question, I'm not saying these are the only books, or the best books...
What I am saying is that these are
3 Books that you MUST read right now before you start your online business.
I say this because .. Well, this one is personal, I'll have to tell you about my journey.
My search for direction in this world of starting an online business goes back several
I was up a usual late at night with my attention glued to the computer screen.
I had reached one of those Deep, dark corners of the internet that need no explanation.
I'll spare you the details, but somehow I ended up looking at this image on my computer
COVER IMAGE FOR DOTCOM SECRETS BOOKImage of the Dotcom Secrets Book cover
That's the cover image for 1 of the books you must read
"Dotcom Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online..."
When I saw that photo, I said to myself.. That looks like me right now ...
sitting at my desk with dim lighting, staring intently at the computer with a bunch of
post-it notes with all of my thoughts taped to the wall in front of me.
My Home Office at the time
Image of my home office at the time looks similar to the Dotcom Secrets Book Cover
I saw some similarities with my office and the Dotcom Secrets book cover
Well, maybe that photo has a ton more articles and papers, but pretty similar.
Where am I and how did I get here? That's what came to my mind.
I had gone so deep online trying to find strategies to start an online business that
I ended up here. Where was I?
To answer that, I'll need to tell you a story...
Well, a few weeks back I'd watched a YouTube video, telling me to. And I quote:
"Get an affiliate product, then get a Landing Page, an email AutoResponder,
tracking software and run traffic to it..
After some time, you will see the money pouring into your account".
There was screenshot after screenshot of their account showing the amount of money
pouring into their account on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.
There were screenshots showing that they were making Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Man, I was convinced, because, not only was this person saying it, but there were several
other people saying it too. It had to be true! This must be the real deal!
I bought it, and set out to get myself an affiliate product, a landing page, an email
AutoResponder, tracking software and a traffic source.
It was everything they recommended. Step by step instructions.
I'm a step by step instructions guy, so, How could this go wrong?
I put the plan in action (Mission Impossible music playing in the background)
➡️ Signed up at an affiliate marketplace
➡️ Chose a product to promote (high ticket)
➡️ Signed up for the landing page software
➡️ Got the tracking (Not the software they recommended, but an alternative)
➡️ Signed up for traffic source
The next thing to do was to hit the go button, sit back and watch the money start to roll in
as the emails went out.
➡️ Hit the GO button, and wait...
Picture of me waiting for the money to roll in
Picture of me waiting for the money to roll in
Guess what happened? The money didn't pour in right away.
But, that was Ok.. I had set up a series of 11 emails to go out for the next 11 days.
The video mentioned that it might not happen right away, but give it time.
I could wait. I continued to watch as the emails that I so meticulously set up continued to go out.
after day
after day
after day.
I would see the number of subscribers to my email list getting larger, I would see the
number of emails being opened. Still no sales. I held onto hope.
The emails that I wrote and the statistics for those emails being sent
These are the emails that I wrote and the end result of zero sales
When the dust settled and it was all said and done, I had made an astounding profit of
No thousands of dollars pouring in, no money dropping from the sky "making it rain".
Am I embarrassed to admit this?
Yes, of course. I'm almost 50 years old. I'm a business professional that has been and
continues to be successful. People look up to me for my professional opinion.
How could I fall for something like this? I'm too smart for this!
What will others think ?? What will my friends think ??
ARRRGH !! How could I be so stupid!!!
Were my first thoughts...
Image showing my frustration
Image showing my frustration
After taking a few moments to vent my frustration and let it all out,
I put myself back together... After all, things happen for a reason, right?
My path led me to this location.
Much like your journey has led you down this path to land here on this page.
I say that nothing happened after that experience, but something did happen.
I took a step back and put things in perspective.
My journey took me down that path, but that path is not the end of the road,
nor is it the end of my story.
The passion to start and grow an online business was inside of me.
That is not going anywhere.
It was and is the catalyst that got this engine started going forward on the journey
to search for an online business.
I picked myself up after failing and feeling discouraged
I picked myself up after failure and feeling discouraged
I took 2 steps immediately
Affiliate Disclosure: We may receive a small commission for any purchases made using the links below
1. Ordered the book Dotcom Secrets
2. Looked into the software called Clickfunnels®.
I had already signed up for the free trial that was recommended by the YouTuber
(This was the landing page software they recommended),
so I was already receiving emails from Clickfunnels®.
Then, after a couple of days having the software
The title of the email I received in my inbox was simple.
"Want a FREE T-Shirt?
I opened it to read:

Hi Mark,

Troy here from the Onboarding Team. Do you have time for a quick walk through 
inside ClickFunnels®? Goto cfonboarding.com to schedule a convenient time.

Oh yeah, when you show up you will get a FREE T-Shirt!

Talk to you soon!
Troy Hitt
Onboarding Team Manager

A simple message with a Call to Action.
Copy of email I received inviting me to a Webinar for Clickfunnels
Copy of email I received inviting me to a Webinar for Clickfunnels®
I signed up for the Webinar.
I attended the Webinar and was introduced to the One Funnel Away Challenge.
I'd never heard of it before, but the training was $100, It would extend my 15 day trial
to a 30 day trial, I would get the T-shirt and I would get 30 days of hands-on training
that would prepare me for my online journey and
to launch my very first Sales Funnel!
Ok, if you're like me, then the word Sales Funnel wasn't exactly a familiar term that
I was using in my every day conversations.
But, I took a look at the video and these Sales Funnels looked super interesting.
Come to find out that I had been seeing them all the time,
but didn't realize that they were called Sales Funnels.
Take a look at these examples:
Examples of various different sales funnels
Examples of various different sales funnels
I paid the $100 to take the training.
The challenge started on January 1st and I was anxious to start this new journey
to begin the New Year.
I started the training and it was much more than I ever expected.
The training taught me:
➡️ The correct mindset to have before you start your online journey
➡️ A Roadmap to follow from idea creation to launch
➡️ The "Secrets" to grow your online business exponentially
➡️ The difference between a product and an offer
➡️ How to create an "irresistible" offer
➡️ 1 thing you can do to make objections irrelevant, so people have to give you money
That's just the tip of the iceberg, there was so much more,
and all of this was just within the 30 day period.
In addition to the sales and marketing training
I've grown in so many different areas, besides just building website pages/funnels.
➡️ I've overcome fears that were holding me back
➡️ I've tackled challenges that once seemed almost impossible
➡️ I have built an online business that I can be proud of
➡️ Met some lifelong friends, and made some invaluable and amazing contacts.
My life has not been the same and I have not looked back.
Not only was this the best $100 I have spent in a long time, but I am grateful that I
ended up in that place.
"sitting at my desk with dim lighting, staring intently at the computer with a
bunch of post-it notes with all of my thoughts taped to the wall in front of me".
Video showing my experience with the One Funnel Away Challenge
Video update of my journey after the One Funnel Away Challenge
If it weren't for that night, these books and the
One Funnel Away Challenge in particular. I have no doubt that I would still be online
searching and going down numerous wrong paths.
When I say these are:
3 Books You Need to Read Right Now Before You Start Your Online Business.
I say that because I want you to avoid going down the path that I took.
BTW, those
3 Books You Need to Read Right Now Before You Start Your Online Business
Affiliate Disclosure: We may receive a small commission for any purchases made using the links below
1. Dotcom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online...
GET YOUR FREE COPY (Just pay shipping)
Get your copy of the book Dotcom Secrets
Click the image to get your FREE copy of the book Dotcom Secrets
2. Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Creating a Mass Movement
Of People Who Will Pay You For Your Advice
GET YOUR FREE COPY (Just pay shipping)
Get your free copy of the book Expert Secrets
Click the image to get your FREE copy of the book Expert Secrets
3. Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Website
and Sales Funnels with Your Dream Customers
GET YOUR FREE COPY (Just pay shipping)
Get your copy of the book Traffic Secrets
Click the image to get your FREE copy of the book Traffic Secrets
Don't take my word for it...
The testimonials are endless (too many to post here, but you can find them on the site)
If you are reading this I have 6 words for you: Sign up .. and JUST DO IT!
I guarantee it will be the best $100 you spend ALL year.
100 Dollar Bill

You will not regret it...
I sent a friend of mine a copy and after receiving it it has changed their lives also.
Now, I feel as though it is my obligation to let you know about the books and the training
and what they have done for me and let you decide.
So, as you've come to the end of this road on YOUR path.
what will YOU do with where your path has led you?
I wish you much luck and prosperity in your journey.
The Mental Marketer
Click the image to Sign up

P.S. I'll leave some resources in this post for you to take advantage of the books and
the One Funnel Away Challenge. Because the challenge has LIVE trainings,
there are only 2 Challenges per month. There's still time to get into the next challenge.
Click the image above to be taken to the signup page.
When you sign up to take the challenge, you may be eligible for SUPER BONUSES.
Check the offer page to see if you qualify.
I also offer my support for FREE. Support from other like minded individuals is one of
the number one keys to your success. We don't get anywhere in life without
the help from others - encouraging us, motivating us, and keeping us accountable.

Don't have $100? For FREE you can watch more than 40 Video Case Studies with Entrepreneur after Entrepreneur sharing how they've had massive success online using Sales Funnels ➡️ HERE The case studies will MOTIVATE and INSPIRE you and you'll be able to download step by step plans that you can follow for your business If you absolutely can't afford $100, then the Free Video Case Studies are your best bet, because you'll ➡️ Learn the secrets about online marketing that only the top 5% know ➡️ See EXACTLY what the most successful Entrepreneurs are doing to generate millions in revenue using just Social Media ➡️ Come away with several proven step by step plans that you can follow and put into action right away for your business ➡️ These are not pretend experts, these are REAL entrepreneurs that have gotten real results ➡️ Plus the Video Case Studies are FREE, so you have nothing to lose

💻 Find more tools for your online business @thementalmarketer: ➡️ HERE Get a 14 day FREE trial to the BEST Sales Funnel builder on the planet earth 🌎: ➡️ HERE

I've done video reviews for each of the three books.
You can check them out on my YouTube Channel here:
Secrets Trilogy Book Review on YouTube

Click the image to take a quiz and get a downloaded copy of the 10 point checklist
Take the Quiz, Download a copy of the Checklist + Free training
Click the image to sign up for our newsletter and receive 10 Free Home Page Share Funnels
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Affiliate Disclosure:
This blog, videos, images and descriptions may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. If you like the service I provide, this is like a 'tip' and it is greatly appreciated.
I am an independent ClickFunnels® Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels®. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels® or its parent company, Etison® LLC.


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