The Top 5 Best Email Examples To Follow In Your Sales Funnels

You want your emails to be opened and people to respond.. You want your subscribers to click around and hopefully make a purchase… Other people seem to have great open rates .. What about you? If you think you’ve got nothing to learn about emails, then this video is not for you.. But, if you feel you could take it up a notch… Then watch this video as I break down the top 5 best practices when composing your emails. Make sure your emails include some or all of these elements, so they get open, read, clicked, and you make money 💲 💲 💲. Stick around to the end to see the 1 email example that has 5 examples of Email Marketing all by itself. Affiliate Disclosure : We may receive a small commission for any purchases made u sing the links below Get a 14 day FREE trial to the BEST Sales Funnel builder on the planet earth 🌎 Let’s get right to it Number 1: G reat use of a full screen image. Click the image to watch the video In this email, this image stands out from every other email in the ...